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3394 Brown Island Rd S
Salem, OR, 97302
United States



Minto Island Growers is a diversified farm and nursery located in Salem.  It’s co-owned and operated by Chris Jenkins and Elizabeth Miller Jenkins and has been under organic certification through Oregon Tilth since 2009

Minto Island Growers is a diversified farm and nursery located in South Salem next to Minto Brown Island Park. We take great pride in growing organic produce for the Salem community and beyond, through our CSA program, the Salem Saturday Market and the Farm Stand just 10 minutes from downtown Salem. We are humbled to steward this land which has been a part of the Miller family farm since the 1970s. Join us picking blueberries, eating at the Food Cart during the summer season, or getting the best of what our farm produces by participating in our season CSA program which as been operating since 2011.